
waiting answer September 16, 2020

How to create your first Flutter app?

Anyone pls help me to create a program in flutter. I have installed Android Studio, Flutter and Dart Plugins. Iam familiar with object-oriented code and basic programming concepts such as loops conditions etc.

September 16, 2020

Delete all the contents of lib/main.dart. Replace with the following code, which displays a message in the center of the screen.

	import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; 
	void main() { 
	    title: 'This is a testing Title', 
	    theme: ThemeData( 
	      primarySwatch: Colors.yellow 
	    home: Scaffold( 
	      appBar: AppBar( 
	          'Your App Bar Title'
	      body: Center(child: Text( 'This is for testing', )), 
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September 16, 2020

A sample flutter program to print Hello World

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; 
	void main() { 
	    title: 'Hello World', 
	    home: Scaffold( 
	      body: Container(
	        child: Center(
	          child:Text("Hello World"),


  • MaterialApp is a widget and a class
  • Two main named parameters of MaterialApp are title and home
  • the title is a string type named parameter
  • home is a named parameter and is a widget type. Widget type is a datatype like string, number, etc.
  • Each widget is a class 
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